God is doing some really amazing things at Campus Life, and we would love to see you use your time and talents to further His kingdom in our communities!
We are praying and trusting that God will place the right person in this role.
If you have any questions prior to applying or wish to talk with one of our staff in
an effort to inform your decision, please feel free to reach out by emailing us at dgreen@gocampuslife.com or give us a call at (920) 457-2381 and ask for Denise.
Campus Life Family Ministries in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
is seeking a part-time Director of Donor Development.
The Director of Donor Development is critical to the success of Campus Life Family Ministries. They are responsible for planning and implementing a comprehensive fundraising program. This person plays a key role in ensuring the financial sustainability of the organization, which in turn plays a significant part in the overall accomplishment of its mission and ministries.
If this is a role that you feel God may be calling you to please read the full position description below, and then follow these steps to apply:
First, please submit a resume and cover letter to dgreen@gocampuslife.com.
Second, we will call you to talk through the next steps in the process.
We are praying and trusting that God will place the right person in this role. If you have any questions prior to applying or wish to talk with someone about this, in an effort to inform your decision, please feel free to reach out by email at dgreen@gocampuslife.com, or call us at (920) 457-2381 and ask for Denise.