For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile - the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” ~Romans 10:12-13
Dear Campus Life Friends,
Is there anything more precious than a child coming to faith in Christ? I don’t think so. Young ones, answering the questions that so many people their senior struggle with throughout their lives.

Why am I here? What is my purpose? What’s going to be my moral compass for life. And what happens after I die? Am I to going surrender my life to Christ and trust in His saving grace? Big questions for little people, but throughout the week of Adventure Camp for 3rd - 5th graders, those questions were answered. Decisions were made. And because of that, lives are changed for eternity. All of the

kids enjoyed games and crafts, but sharing the gospel message, sharing Biblical truths and scripture memorization also played a big part. During the week of camp, questions are answered and students are prayed with. Praise God for a great summer season of ministry and a great week of camp.
Can you believe it? Summer is over and the school year has begun. Here at Campus Life we are so READY! Some programs start next week, while the remainder begin the following week. Along with our regular club programs for students from 2nd grade to high school, we are anticipating expanding some of our current ministries, especially in the juvi. jail and assisted living facilities. Are you interested in joining us? Let’s talk and see where you might want to plug in. We are always looking for new ministry areas and walking through doors of opportunity that the Lord opens. This can be a bit intimidating at times, but we “trust and obey” and have faith that God will do a great work through these endeavors. Please pray for us as we move forward in faith.
I hope that you had a wonderful summer, and thank you for being on the amazing ministry journey with us. You are such an important part of this outreach and we are blessed to be able to call you friend. Your prayers and support allow us to be on the front lines of ministry. We know it and appreciate it. We couldn’t do this without you. May God richly bless you.
Making a difference in people’s lives - together,
