by Zella Wilterdink
For those of you who don't know me, my husband passed away on December 17, 2020. Since then, Casting Crowns has released a new song called Scars in Heaven. That song has meant a lot to me. "The only scars in heaven are on the hands that hold you now," as sung in the chorus, is so reassuring to me. I know that God is taking better care of my husband than I ever did or could have. He no longer suffers from Lewy Body Dementia and is happy and healed. On Saturday, October 9, 2021, we would have celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. I decided that morning to check the flowers at Campus Life. I started deadheading the flowers at Cedar Lodge. When I finished there, I got back in the car and drove to the main building. The song Scars in Heaven came on the car radio. I sat and listened to the whole song and then started working on the flowers at the main building. I thought, what a blessing to hear that song today. I finished the work on the flowers at the main building and decided to check the flowers at the cemetery. I got in the car, and the song Scars in Heaven was just starting on the radio again. I shed a few tears as I was driving to the cemetery, while listening to the whole song for a second time that morning. I finished up at the cemetery and did a few more errands. I was back home for about 45 minutes when I turned on the radio at home. I couldn't believe it! The song Scars in Heaven was just starting. So for the third time that morning I heard the entire song on the radio. Now, some may say this was a coincidence. To me, it was a blessing sent from God just for what would have been our 50th anniversary. How reassuring to know that He keeps his promise to walk with us even through difficult days. When I have days where I ask God "WHY?", I remind myself that I don't have to know WHY but I need to know God is there to help me through this. And that is all I need to know. Happy Anniversary to me from God!