“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” -Mark 10:45
Happy New Year to our Campus Life Friends –
“I’ll rest when I’m dead!” A few weeks back I was having a conversation with a gentleman who stopped in my office one afternoon. He was telling me how frustrating it was getting older and not having the energy that he used to have. He’s in really good shape for his age, and I was trying to be encouraging about his situation. But then I made the mistake of saying that sometimes you just have to rest. That’s when he hit me with the “I’ll rest when I’m dead” comment. I didn’t really know how to reply, but I definitely get where his heart is at. He wants to serve God by serving the people around him, and he’s going to do it to the best of his ability, even if he’s tired, for as long as he’s alive. This should be inspirational to all of us.
The overarching theme for Campus Life 2022 is going to be service; Serve God by Serving People. As it says in the book of James, Don’t just be hearers of the word, but doers of the word. And, in other words, faith without works is dead. We already started with serving opportunities through our Senior Connect group and student ministries; filling and packing boxes for area assisted living facilities and Operation Christmas Child (OCC), a work group traveling to Chicago to OCC’s distribution center to prepare boxes going overseas, creating notes and decorating for the Meals on Wheels organization, making blankets for Project Linus, baking and delivering cookies to shut-ins and a number of other things. Throughout 2022, we’re going to step it up a notch. Local and regional projects will continue, but other opportunities are being planned including a weeklong service project in Appalachia. Check out our website for details. There might still be room for YOU to participate. If not that, maybe there’s somewhere else for you to plug into. Stay tuned.
A very big THANK YOU to everyone who has or will soon contribute to our annual Phoneless Phone-a-thon. Although we still have a ways to go to reach our goal, with little time remaining for people to contribute to this appeal, we thank God for the way He has and will bless us. God is so good all the time.
We hope and pray that as you start off 2022 you are experiencing God’s blessing in your life and His love in your heart. Words cannot adequately express our appreciation for your friendship and support. Thank you for partnering with us in sharing the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.
Making a difference in people’s lives - together,